Dental treatments
in Sopron, Hungary
Quality – You’ll leave us smiling
For Rosengarten Weiss Dental functioning quality management program is essential to economic success. Products and services of high technical quality and innovation set the standards in the market. Compliance with international standards is required by our partners and customers. In order to fully meet these requirements, we have implemented a process oriented quality management program, which focuses on our patients.
We verify the backgrounds, records, clinical history, licensing, and credentialing of all of our dentists from the start as yet one more way to ensure that our patients receive high quality of care. But it does not stop there: we mentor our dentists year-round, provide ongoing professional training, conduct regular professional development programs, and audit all of our doctors on an ongoing basis.
Important in our goal of clinical excellence is our commitment to providing ongoing continuing education and training to our dentists and staff. We conduct continuing education programs year-round exclusively for our dentists and staff on industry developments and new and existing treatments, processes, systems, and solutions. We want our dentists to be the brightest, most up-to-date in the industry so that they will provide our patients with excellent quality care.
Our facilities use state-of-the art equipment, digital X-Rays, instruments, tools, and supplies. Because of our size and the strength of our commitment to quality, effective dental care, we constantly review developments in the dental industry so that we can evaluate if there are new and better ways to deliver quality, affordable care to our patients.
We take pride in our clean, sterile, safe facilities. We have a full time safety and infection control compliance team that educates and monitors all of our dental offices on a year-round basis for compliance with all safety, sterilization, and other facility requirements.
Looking for the right dental care in Hungary?
Feedback from our patients
„Doctor Varga is a very good surgeon, besides he works fast, too. I didn't feel any pain during implantation.“
„Doctor Domonkos is always kind, she keeps always smiling. She is very patient. I recommend her to everyone.”
„Doctor Bóka is very accurate, curettage was completely painless.”
“I was very afraid of the injection. The doctor reassured me that it wouldn't hurt and really I didn't feel anything. Dr. Biczó was very kind and patient and she informed me about every step during the treatment. I recommend she to everyone, I will never go to another dentist again. Many greetings from Switzerland.”